Vestiges: Traces of Record

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Notes for Contributors

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

When ready submissions should be sent be email to:

Address for Submissions
[email protected]

Author Guidelines

The Title of the Paper Goes Here, in Title Case and Title Style

Lead Author, Co-author One, Co-Author Two
Leadauthor email
Co-authorone email
Co-authortwo email

Abstract:This page contains information about the formatting requirements for Vestiges jounral. Please read this page carefully. Papers are typically between 5000-10000 words (but we will discuss longer items with you: sometimes they can be shortened). References should be in the Harvard style (see reference list below).

Keywords:Please include up to 6 keywords.


We ask all authors to follow these guidelines in order to maintain a high standard of consistency. These guidelines are designed to reduce the work involved in supplying a suitably formatted submission. The style, used for the body of your work, should be 'Normal'.

Page Size

The proceedings are formatted on standard A4. The page margins are 3cm all round. Margins should be full justified for main text, but Left Aligned for titles and headings.

Typeset Text

Please use normal capitalisation during the text and do not use bold facefor emphasis. Italicsare acceptable. All headings should use initial capitals only, excepting for use of Acronyms, for example, OWPS.

Title and Authors (Style heading 2)

Your paper's title should be in Title style. Initial letters of all words of 4 or more letters should be capitalised. Authors names should be in author style. Please give first and last name, in that order. Please do not use all caps.

Multiple authors from the same institution should appear as detailed at the start of this document. Multiple authors from different institutions should appear as :

Andrew Nonymous1, Second Author2 and Third Author1

1The department, faculty and name of institute.

2The department, faculty and name of institute.

Email addresses should be given beneath, one per line and in the same order as the authors are listed.

All author details will be removed before the review process.

Sub-sections (Style heading 3)

You may use up to three levels of heading, please apply the headings as set out in these guidelines.

Please do not use any further levels of heading. Please do not number your headings.

Figures and Tables

You are invited to use figures and tables in your paper wherever they will help to illustrate your text. Black and white illustrations are preferred.


Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and not numbered according to the section in which they appear. Figure captions should appear below the figure. Please use the word Figure in full, rather than Fig or F. Do not "anchor" the images to a particular location since pagination will change in the process of editing. Best is to include the image inside a table with the caption in a table row below (so a sincegle image will be in a 2*1 table)

Due to the conversion process, some images can cause larger than necessary PDF files. If you have complicated images, please provide these as separate image files (edited to 300dpi) in either .gif or .jpg format as appropriate. To repeat: do not 'PDF' the document prior to sending.


Tables should be created using the table option of your word processing package, not using tabs and spaces. Text in the table should be formatted using Table text style. See sample table below.

Table 1:A sample table (Style Fig ref)

Sample table for illustration purposes

Heading text

Heading text

Subject text

Detail text

Detail text

Subject text

Detail text

Detail text

Subject text

Detail text

Detail text

Tables should be set as 'Auto fit to contents' and centred on the page. If your table runs over two pages, please ensure that headings are also carried over. Do not allow rows to split across pages.

5. Language, Style and Content

The journal languages are French and English. With regards to spelling and dialect, we prefer you to use British English, but Canadian or U.S. English are acceptable provided they are used consistently. Hyphenation is preferred. To ensure suitability for an varied audience, please pay attention to the following:

Page Numbers, Headers and Footers

Please do not insert headers, footers or page numbers. Do not refer to page numbers in your text as these will be changed.


If you wish to make acknowledgements in your paper, these should appear immediately before the references at the end of the paper.

In Conclusion

It is important that you write for a general audience. It is also important that your work is presented in a professional fashion. These guidelines should help to acheive that goal. By adhering to these guidelines, you help the editors tremendously in ensuring a professional presentation of your paper and we thank you for your co-operation.

References /Bibliography

We use the Harvard System including pagination of book chapters. References in the text should be in the format (Smith, 1999: 17) and should then be listed at the end of the paper in a single bibliography alphabetical order with entries formatted as per the following examples: Note that the references should notbe separated by whether they are monographs or articles or chapters (archival or online sources). We need a single bibliography. Websites without an obvious author can treated as anonymously authored works. We do NOT use references in footnotes.

Zeitlyn, D. 2020. Mambila Divination: Framing Questions, Constructing Answers. London, Routledge.

Chapter / Book Section
Adama, H. 2009b. Les associations islamiques au Cameroun: entre l'Oumma et l'État. pp. 435-458. in: Otayek, R. & Soares, B. (eds.) Islam, État et société en Afrique. Paris: Karthala.

Edited Book
Abwa, D., Temgoua, A.-P., Fomin, E. S. D. & Dze-Ngwa, W. (eds.) 2013. Boundaries and History in Africa. Issues in Conventional Boundaries and Ideological Frontiers (Essays in Honour of Verkijika Fanso). Mankon, Bamenda: Langaa Press.

Journal article
Adama, H. 2009a. Pèlerinage musulman et stratégies d'accumulation au Cameroun. Afrique contemporaine, 3, 119-138.

Online publication
Zeitlyn, D. 2001. Reading in the Modern World: Anthropological Perspectives on Writing and the Virtual World, [online], 10 Feb 2014

Please note: These guideline have been adapted from the U Lincoln OWPS website:


Ensuring a Blind Review

To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review for submission to this press, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves the authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking to see if the following steps have been taken with regard to the text and the file properties:

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Licensethat allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Publication Ethics

If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their article after it has been published, it is the author's obligation to notify the editors and to cooperate fully if an amendment or retraction is judged to be in order. In the event that an allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article is brought to the editorial collective, the journal will follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethicsin responding to the allegation.

When ready submissions should be sent be email to:

Address for Submissions
[email protected]

Modified 30 Sept 2024